Thursday, July 15, 2010

What to do?

Dear Reade,

Would you believe it? It's midday. Girlie is sleeping. And our boy is having his first "lunch at a friend's." I switched over the laundry and settled myself here, to write.

What with traveling all about Saskatchewan for family gatherings and celebrations and our few quiet days at the lake, I feel like I am just settling in to the routine of summer. Hot, muggy days. Cool nights. Very often rain showers each day. Over the next few weeks we will see a transformation in the vegetable portion of our gardens.

I feel distracted as I write. Much like our days have been. Without a beginning, middle and end to the "story" I'm leaving here. Just the bits of our day. As I attend to that sense, I simultaneously want to be okay with it and have it change. Typical!

Starting again...


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