Sunday, August 29, 2010

Enemies and Anemones

Dear Reade,

This morning The Boy was talking about interrelationships between different creatures as he's learned them from Apple-O (Sir David Attenborough). The conversation today centred around a crab and a sea anemone that work together.

"An octopus wants to eat the crab. So the crab loosens the predator from the ground and lifts it on to his back (here there is a motioning of how it happens). Then the predator stings the octopus if it comes near."

For a moment I was baffled. Then I remembered the anemone (which to our boy's ears must sound like enemy) and we were able to carry on the conversation. I am amazed by the human brain and its ability to play in the realm of language. I am in love with the fact that our boy has enemy and predator as synonyms in his brain when he's talking about the animal world.

Love, Jenn

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