Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just five more things...

Dear Reade,

The other day it was time for Boy-o to have a haircut. On this cutting day he could choose between getting it cut at the salon or having a buzz cut here at home. "But Mommy I just want you to cut it with the scissors." Not an option this time. Every third or fourth cut I need him to have a fresh slate. I can monkey around a bit, but really need a corrective cut from time to time. He decided on a buzz. When we got up to the bathroom, got everything set up and he was standing in front of the mirror he said, "But I just have to do five things first. I have to pick up my toys. And brush my teeth. And read some books. And pick up my toys. And brush my teeth."

Poor little guy was terrified that it was going to hurt and didn't know that he was so scared, didn't know how to ask for help. His response makes me aware that in my dear son there might just be a tendency toward work addiction. Who's genetic heritage would that come from? And all the things he chose were good things, things that he often is required to do before other things. He's smart and funny and I love him to bits. And his new haircut is cute, cute, cute.

Love, Jenn

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